I can't sleep, mind is racing too much. We had snow today, which is rare in PA for October. So, I wrote a poem. Sometimes I love being manic because it seems like it's when I write the best stuff and I hope to be done a book in a few weeks. Please let me know what you think.
Finally finished my White Halloween poem. Please let me know what you think"
White Halloween
© 2011 by Jessica Marie. All rights reserved and no copying.
I’m dreaming of a white Halloween
none like the ones I knew before;
what’s that above the frozen flake, the ghoul queen?
Dressed in her finest black and purple hat
and ghosts hide and play,
under snowy grass, waiting to attack and spook
trick-or-treaters haunting streets all day,
rob them blind of their Pay Days and Milky Ways,
but what about Dracula’s fangs or red wax lips—
gnashing and gnawing, can they save their booty?
No, no match to the invisible ghosts and their finger tips,
and the ghoul queen, green as could be,
hungry not for blood, but a good treat.
So, I’m dreaming of a white Halloween,
like none of the ones I knew before,
where invisible ghosts due to eight inches of snow,
mean no harm, it’s only fear and lore,
and hunger for candy not eaten in years,
but they will share with trick-or-treaters
and the scarecrows of the lawns and the ghoul queen,
trick all night of blood jelly fill the liters—
unlike the horrors and the frights;
I’m dreaming of a white Halloween
not like the ones I used to know,
where I can befriend ghost and a ghoulish queen.
Finally finished my White Halloween poem. Please let me know what you think"
White Halloween
© 2011 by Jessica Marie. All rights reserved and no copying.
I’m dreaming of a white Halloween
none like the ones I knew before;
what’s that above the frozen flake, the ghoul queen?
Dressed in her finest black and purple hat
and ghosts hide and play,
under snowy grass, waiting to attack and spook
trick-or-treaters haunting streets all day,
rob them blind of their Pay Days and Milky Ways,
but what about Dracula’s fangs or red wax lips—
gnashing and gnawing, can they save their booty?
No, no match to the invisible ghosts and their finger tips,
and the ghoul queen, green as could be,
hungry not for blood, but a good treat.
So, I’m dreaming of a white Halloween,
like none of the ones I knew before,
where invisible ghosts due to eight inches of snow,
mean no harm, it’s only fear and lore,
and hunger for candy not eaten in years,
but they will share with trick-or-treaters
and the scarecrows of the lawns and the ghoul queen,
trick all night of blood jelly fill the liters—
unlike the horrors and the frights;
I’m dreaming of a white Halloween
not like the ones I used to know,
where I can befriend ghost and a ghoulish queen.