Just Muddling Through!

Just Muddling Through!

I've been gone for a while, but I'm back now and want to try to start keeping up with this blog more. I've learned a lot and want to try to figure it all out, and integrate it into my life, instead of just a "lesson learned".

Therefore, we say a fond farewell to Zin! (Yeah, that's me.) She stepped out from the hidden world and made her voice heard for the first time. She walked in places that would have normally never been seen for lack of bravery and self-esteem. She has lived this chapter of her life well. Now it is time to put Zin to rest. And watch as another is reborn in her place, a little wiser, a little more sure, and with a little bit more fire.

Goodbye Zin! (Yes, that's me) May you rest peacefully in the storybook from whence you came, and may the new phoenix arise and make you proud.



- If anyone has a recommendation of a site I could put a link to that would be of benefit to any of those on that visit this site, please let me know and give me the URL so I can add it as a link. This includes other writing sites, as I have no problems directing people to other sites that they might enjoy as well or may feel more comfortable with.
- I am happy to place pictures of loved ones and those who inspire you. Just sent me a pic and a little about the person, and I'll see to it that it gets posted.

Topics of Interest

Rules For Posting

First off, common sense, but I'll throw it in any way.  This is a privately operated blog.  Meaning, if I don't like it, I don't have to let it on my blog.  So, be aware of that very first and most important rule.  I'm too old to be intimidated or coerced into putting anything up I don't want, so do yourself a favor, and don't even bother.

The following are rules for posting on this blog.  Should you break any of these rules, you will immediately be placed on probation.  If you do so again, all posting privileges will be revoked and you will be banned from this blog. 

1.      All writings should contain a "subject" and "genre" heading.  We seek to categorize the posts in order for others to be able to find what they wish to read more quickly, and to warn those who do not wish to read on that particular subject matter.

2.     For the moment, there are no restrictions on religion, political views, opinions, illnesses, or number of posts.  All genres will be accepted, unless one is taken advantage of or is used to try to sway or press the opinions and beliefs of others to conform to something they do not believe in.  That is a very quick way to get booted. 

3.     That being said, Genre is different from subject matter, and some subjects are frowned upon on this blog, and others are simply not permitted.  Suicide is frowned upon, as the purpose of this site is to help people to heal.  Pornographic  writings will not be tolerated.  Some sexual content is allowed so long as it is done tastefully. I will leave this open to add upon as I see necessary. 

4.     Please sign your writings and/or messages with name or pen name or user name.

5.     Any suggestions, recommendations or ideas to improve this site are welcome.  I certainly can't think of everything!

Thanks for your attention.  I can't wait to start reading.

